Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Hottest Item in the Beauty Industry

Every time I go to a convention I am fascinated by the technology. They've got a machine to treat any type of facial blemish or figure flaw. But all the lights, micro-currents and body jigglers can't compare with what mother nature has so abundantly blessed us with....shells.

Now you might wonder what shells have to do with beauty unless you've seen the all- natural heating Lava Shells. These shells are used for a hot (or warm) massage. They come from the Phillipine Islands and are the discard of the local's diet. Sanded and polished smooth these beautiful pink shells make a wonderful massage tool.
I first experienced Lava Shells by the hands of my capable massage therapist and was hooked. You can find out more about them from the article on my webpage janicebird.com

If your massage therapist does not have these shells, have them contact me, jbird@sparev.com
