Saturday, December 02, 2006

Health Risks In Your Cosmetics?

You’ve heard it a million times before...Wash your hands! This is the best way to guard your health and avoid the worst of cold and flu season. But did you know that your cosmetics can harbor a host of bacteria? I’m sure you’ve heard or read about discarding your mascara after 3 months. Mascara is very susceptible to infection causing bacteria, so it is important to replace it regularly, even if it hasn’t dried up and you still have a lot left. Which is usually the case for me.

I don’t wear a lot of make-up, and although I know I shouldn’t, I have makeup that dates back at least 10 years.(mostly eyeshadows). I’m sure the chic color schemes of the 90's will be back. I’m extremely frugal when it comes to makeup, so I like to make my makeup budget go a long way. I Can’t imagine throwing out makeup as often as the experts say you should. Okay, I guess foundation, facial cleansers and moisturizers could be used up by six months. But what about the eyeshadows? The experts only give three months for mascara and other eye makeup. I can see the mascara, but what about pencils and eyeshadows? If you are like me and like variety, you have several different colors and hues which could be very expensive to replace every three months. But then again, eyes can’t be replaced and a nasty infection could cause serious problems. So, here are my suggestions...

Throw out the mascara every three months. Don’t use your fingers or dirty applicators in any of your makeup or moisturizers. Instead use cotton swabs, little plastic spatulas or small wooden sticks (like the kind used for stirring coffee.) Wash your makeup brushes often and notice changes in the color, texture or smell of your makeup

Here is a list with a general time line for shelf life:

  • Mascara and other eye makeup - 3 months
  • Liquid Foundation - 3 to 6 months
  • Blush - 6 months
  • Facial cleansers & moisturizers - 6 months
  • Lipstick - 1 year
  • Nail Polish - 2 years

To your health,
Janice Bird
Be Safe, Be Smart, and Be your own kind of Beautiful
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