Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Skin Care Product & Radiator Fluid

What do cosmetics & skin care products and
radiator fluid and have in common?
Nothing really. Many so called health experts claim that the ingredient propylene glycol is what they use in deadly radiator fluid. I too was duped in to believing this until I did my homework. Here are a few more facts on the “radiator fluid in my cosmetics” scare.

Propylene Glycol is used quite frequently in the cosmetics industry because it is a moisturizer and stabilizer of some types of emulsions. One of the things it does is It helps keep your lotions and potions from separating.

Dr. Peter T.Pugliese an expert in skin care formulations and creator of Circadia Skin Care writes in his book Skin, Sex and Longevity
“Propylene glycol has been given an underserved bad rap by some popular press items. Unless they understand the chemistry of the ingredient some people say really stupid things about ingredients.”

It is ethylene glycol that is the deadly ingredient in radiator fluid. Some radiator fluid makers have switch from the deadly ethylene glycol to propylene glycol because it is safer for the environment.

For more information on product ingredients you can go to

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